Parents and Carers

As parents and relatives of children and young people with SEND, we understand how challenging navigating the system can be. We are both experienced Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCos) who have worked in mainstream and special educational settings and are passionate about ensuring your child receives the most appropriate and personalised support to meet their individual needs, when they need it. We understand both educational and Local Authority procedures and can support you through the journey from the 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' process to the Statutory Assessment process if required. We are able to provide friendly, impartial advice and mediation services to ensure you, your child and their school feel supported.


Do you know your rights as a parent? Do you know what your child is entitled to? We can work with you and your child's school to ensure your child gets the best provision.

SEND Processes

Different schools and local authorities have different processes and these can be quite daunting. We can help you navigate these and guide you through how they work together.

Statutory Paperwork

We can help with the paperwork itself, but can also guide to you when it is appropriate to take this step.

Personal Budgets

Different local authorities have different guidance how how and when parents can apply for personal budgets.


Sometimes it helps to have an impartial ear but also a friendly face to guide you through difficult conversations.


We provide training on the various aspects of the SEND systems and processes; and on how to support children with SEND.

Specialist Teaching

Does your child require specialist learning at home? We can provide teachers and/or teaching assistance to enhance their home education.

Education Other Than At School (EOTAS)

Do you need a specialist education package for you child with complex SEND? We can support you to work with the LA to get this in place.

Case Management

Do you need someone to coordinate all of the professionals working with your family? We can liaise with all staff to ensure a coordinated approach to support.